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December 2018


This month we look at the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit to see whether its use is important for our yoga practice, and with today’s modern technological society full of stimulus and distractions such as social media, it’s important to take some downtime to concentrate on ourselves and retreat from the world, so we show you the options for taking a yoga retreat, whether at home or away ...

This month we look at the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit to see whether its use is important for our yoga practice, and with today’s modern technological society full of stimulus and distractions such as social media, it’s important to take some downtime to concentrate on ourselves and retreat from the world, so we show you the options for taking a yoga retreat, whether at home or away.

We also feature the three laws of Yin yoga and a fantastic Yin sequence, which includes bends, twists and an inversion and is guaranteed to keep your spine flexible while also benefiting the brain.

Ashtanga ace, Caroline Klebl leads us through Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana (Upward Facing Dog pose), Ardha Shirsasana (Half Headstand posture) And Vishvamitrasana (Pose Dedicated To Vishvamitra) before a Standing Pose sequence that works on all the major muscle groups.

We also have mindfulness expert Neil Seligman, who provides 7 secrets of daily mindfulness for those who may be struggling with the practice, and there are 10 top tips for beating the Christmas bulge.

Plus we showcase the latest fashion and yogawear and our new Beauty Editor, Julie Watson, picks out the best organic and ethical goodies and gift sets for Christmas.

I hope you have a wonderful festive season with your friends and family, and may all your Christmas wishes come true.

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