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February 2023


YOGA Magazine brings you warm wishes as we move towards cold February days. As always, we are with you in this journey of discovery and growth and we bring you plenty of tips to help you be the best version of yourself and live your best life.

Dear YOGA Magazine readers,

Greetings and blessings!

February is the month of Love and Romance. In celebration, Yoga Magazine is delighted to bring to you a special feature on Tantra Yoga to deepen the physical and psychic bond between couples. February is also a time to reflect, pause and cherish those that you love and who bring joy and happiness into your life. Of course, it’s also a time to send special gifts, cards and best wishes to people who you are in relationship with. But it’s also the perfect time to just send anyone your warm wishes. Yoga Magazine wishes all its readers the very best in love, health and happiness and a resolute 2023.

Towards February, many of us might struggle to maintain the momentum generated in January to continue to stick to our new-year resolutions. Drake Eastburn introduces Hypnosis as our trusted friend and the most powerful tool to impact the subconscious mind to change whatever we want to.

The past few years have been turbulent to say the least. This month, Sarah Strang reveals to you future trends in wellness as we evolve into the pandemic world where taking time to care of ourselves is no longer an indulgence but a necessity. Wellness is more than just an ideal and caring for our mental wellness has become just as important as our physical health. You can learn about Reiki as a method to ease tension and stress and facilitate healing on all levels – physical, mental and emotional; or discover how being close to nature relieves stress, boosts vitality and helps to deepen our connection between body and mind. Furthermore, you can learn from Anthony Thompson about Vedic Meditation and how it refreshes and repairs both body and mind, resulting in a natural purification leading to less stress.

There is no doubt an automatic association between the word "stress" and something negative. But, believe it or not, stress also has a positive side effect and can be beneficial to our lifestyle in a variety of ways. Learn about every aspect of stress, from Desiree Silverstone and, to deal with negative stress delve into Richard Brook’s sequence of Dru Yoga which has the capacity to heal you from inside and destress you.

Are you a morning person? Adrian Gonzalez brings to you seven morning Zen routine to transform your mornings and help you to attain the path to success. And, Zen Master Dogen teaches you about the four pathways to become an enlightened human being. Or learn how to transform your sufferings into joy, experience your Divine presence, and realise your full potential by becoming a Divine alchemist of your own destiny from Shree Devi Mayi Ma.

If you are into Tai Chi, you might be interested in what Phil Wright, Tai Chi founder, coach and principal, has to say about the benefits of teaching Tai Chi to school children and innovative ways to do so.

Last but not least, we present Chapter two of our facinating series on ‘The Kundalini – Memoirs of a Yogi’ brought to you by Yogiraj Muni and we will continue to take you on this journey with him and his tuor, 'Yogi Ji', until his Kundalini is awakened.


Love, Laugh and Learn!

Yogi Maharaj Dr Malik

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