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March 2020


Welcome to the March issue and I really appreciate that you are reading this letter. Without you this magazine would not exist. So, heartfelt wishes and love this Spring-time and hope that whatever we set our good intentions on, they do materialise ...

Dear YOGA Magazine readers,

Welcome to the March issue and I really appreciate that you are reading this letter. Without you this magazine would not exist. So, heartfelt wishes and love this Spring-time and hope that whatever we set our good intentions on, they do materialise. Spring-time is full of life, joy and perfect for cleaning not just your home, but overall cleansing of the mind and body. The natural world is full of expressions of new beginnings, from small seeds plants start to grow, trees begin to blossom, and you can almost hear the frenzy of activity even in the smallest parts of one’s garden as insect’s crawl and creep around looking for homes and food and the flurry of activity of birds as they return from distant lands to start afresh and make their homes from scratch. So too we can take a lesson, perhaps more from this that Spring-time is an appropriate season for us as humans to join in with this energy of new beginnings and expressions of joy and happiness. This month we have a collection of experts writing about mindfulness in different areas of life, we have Master-classes with step by step instructions for performing yoga poses for energising, cleansing and plenty of ideas for anyone thinking of setting up a yoga business.

Anita Cullum provides timely advice to anyone considering whether to become a yoga teacher. Writing from her own experience she provides advice on issues you may not have considered. And Sally Griffyn A.K.A. Millionaire Yogi shares some golden advice on how to create a prosperous yoga business this year focusing on intention setting and how to create a super-niche in the world of yoga. Zoe Watson showcases essential oils for springtime to help motivate and invigorate you. The important subject matter of Conscious Leadership

is explored by Neil Seligman and he provides some practical tips on how you too can integrate this way of thinking into your day to day life. Mindfulness practice can help you to make better decisions whether you are a parent, teacher, business owner or CEO and Stephen Mueller explains just how to do this. Ayurveda, a system of medicine with its roots in the Indian subcontinent is as ancient as the subject of Yoga. The two are from the ‘same’ family. Caroline Kebl Ashtanga & Ayurveda expert provides a masterclass on Ayurveda & Yoga for Skin-Care.

And with spring in the air and summer around the corner this is a great time to start prepping your beauty routine. Celebrity A-list Kundalini yoga teaches, Ana Brett and Ravi Singh exclusively provide a Master-Class Spring Cleaning Heart Opening Workout to get you toned up, refreshed, get the body’s waste systems eliminating toxins and providing you with an energy buzz. We also catch up with acclaimed yoga teachers, Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco, an exciting collaboration of ideas, yoga and more. Victor M. Parachin


captures the beauty and essence of Ayya Khema and her teachings in his article about her spiritual quest and teachings.
I continue my exploration of the ancient yoga text written by Patanjali centuries ago and for animal lovers we feature excusive extracts from Stephen Levine’s inspirational book, Animal Sutras.

There’s lots more in this issue which we hope will provide you with ideas, tips, guidance, inspiration, motivation and more to continue your journey on a road to wellness. Living your life in an abundant frame of mind- in all areas of it - such as home, family, work, social connections will create prosperity. A healthy mind and body yields significant positive outcomes. It helps you become more prosperous whether it be in improving your relationships, your decision-making powers, becoming an effective leader, creating wealth and more. Nancy Gerstein’s article title sums up this concept aptly, - ‘‘your energy is your current identity’’. She too has provided Master-Class of practical yoga poses that you can practise to help your own nurturing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. There’s also lots of great ideas for wellness breaks

in the coming months, Horizon fashion ideas and what’s hot pages. Again, thank you for buying, reading, sharing, browsing or skimming the magazine. We appreciate all your support and hope that you will join us again, for our next issue.

We wish you all a blessed, prosperous and stunningly beautiful Spring-time season.

Yogi Maharaj Dr Malik Editor

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