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May 2020


Thank you for reading, browsing or skimming this magazine and for sharing it. This month Victor M. Parachin explores the legacy of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, the man who revived modern yoga ...

Dear YOGA Magazine readers,

Thank you for reading, browsing or skimming this magazine and for sharing it. This month Victor M. Parachin explores the legacy of Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, the man who revived modern yoga. Corinne Sippola explains the benefits of practising Aqua Yoga as well as providing step by step instructions on how to perform practical yoga exercises in the pool, for a supple back and more and Healthy Mays shows us how yoga can help you, both in and out of the bedroom and provides her 5 top yoga positions for a healthy libido. A practical Master-Class is also provided by Jordan Ashley – from crow to tripod headstand.

Ana Brett and Ravi Singh show you how to integrate the practice of Kundalini yoga for purification, into your day to day summer living. Gut health is critical to overall wellbeing and Charlotte Watts provides an overview of how yoga can help anyone experiencing digestive issues. Hannah Barrett provides tips on how to include mindfulness practice into your day to day life successfully and Nicole Windas on Meditation, especially for over thinkers. Jennifer McNulty shares her personal story of how yoga helped her through grief. Ruth Voon shows us how to develop Awareness and Compassion and provides practical exercises that you can try at home to work with your Heart Centre. Devi (Vivianne Nantel) shows us how to realise spiritual love and devotion.

Also check out our what’s hot pages which feature a range of beauty products that are organic, ethical, fair-trade and vegan. This month’s magazine is packed with lots of advice, tips and more including looking at Sundried’s sustainable active-wear, Acupuncture, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, how yoga can help with the current COVID-19 and Richard Pilnick’s beautiful photography which is captured in his book, Ashtanga Yoga.

I wish you a peaceful month.

Yogi Maharaj Dr Malik Editor

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