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October 2020


If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that these have been trying, stressful times for everyone. Our routines have been uprooted and lives changed in ways that would have been unimaginable just a year ago. So if you find yourself struggling, you are not alone, and several articles by our valued contributors to this issue touch on just those challenges. How To Tailor Yoga to Treat Symptoms of Stress and Anxiety Effectively, by Zakiya Bishton, founder of Mindwalk Yoga, is a thoughtful piece that I believe will be an inspiration to many. Niraj Naik touches on many of these same points in his article, The Benefits of Pranamaya for Mood and Wellbeing; both of these articles are wonderfully helpful....

Dear YOGA Magazine readers,

If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that these have been trying, stressful times for everyone. Our routines have been uprooted and lives changed in ways that would have been unimaginable just a year ago. So if you find yourself struggling, you are not alone, and several articles by our valued contributors to this issue touch on just those challenges. How To Tailor Yoga to Treat Symptoms of Stress and Anxiety Effectively, by Zakiya Bishton, founder of Mindwalk Yoga, is a thoughtful piece that I believe will be an inspiration to many. Niraj Naik touches on many of these same points in his article, The Benefits of Pranamaya for Mood and Wellbeing; both of these articles are wonderfully helpful.

As many of us are no longer visiting the yoga studio, Starting your Home Yoga Practice by Annabelle Roberts has tips on how to make your home your studio, a haven of health and well-being. If you have your own business and are preparing to transition into the digital realm, do read Moving Our Yoga Studio Online by Angela Sykes. As director of Yoga Kula Leeds, she’s had firsthand experience doing just that, and generously shares them with all of us. The Zoom Revolution by Sarah Scharf also follows this theme, and is equally useful.

Donna Noble’s comment piece, Yoga Has Been Whitewashed and Now is the Time to Change its Reputation, is an essential read, highlighting the challenges of the day and the vital need for representation and diversity in yoga, and indeed across all levels and areas of sport and the fitness world. If you read just one thing, make it this; though I hope, of course, that you will keep turning the pages!

The Authentic Tradition of Mantra & Sacred Music from India by Manish Vyas is another article that highlights the need for genuineness in representation. The music of India is such a deep well of knowledge and as always we are lucky to have his expertise and experience to share with you here.

Lauren M. Jaloma shares her personal experiences in the poem Finding My Voice After Trauma, and in The Two Birds on the Tree of Life Bill Heilbronn continues his insightful series; this time he finds the common ground between Kabbalah and yoga.

Victor M. Parachin writes about the fascinating life of Theos Casimir Bernard, a US scholar of yoga and Tibetan Buddhism whose passion is an inspiration.

Release Trauma From Your Pineal and Pituitary Glands by Savina Atai is another important read, and Dr. Brent Wells shares five yoga poses to help shoulder and neck pain. And in Gaining Mental Peace with Mala Beads, India Blue shares the value of these special items.

In the article Mental Health and Diet, Marlene Watson-Tara goes into great detail about healthy eating and how a healthy gut improves our brain and moods—recipes are included, too! And speaking of food, Young Living’s culinary essential oil line will add a spark to your meals even if you can’t get certain fresh ingredients.

In the world of fashion, Sunia Yoga is making ethical, fashionable yoga wear out of Southern California, and Matador Meggings has designed leggings for men—two interesting companies to check out, along with our other books and products featured in our What’s Hot! section.

And of course, my regular features Ask Yogi Maharaj, Yoga Sutras, and Vedic Astrology are here for you to enjoy as well.

Stay safe! Stay healthy!

Yogi Maharaj Dr. Malik


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